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Working in Canada

Googing to Canada to work will obviously lead to a higher salary in any job, on top of that there are many potential benefits that may lead to you and your family, here we quickly list a few:

  1. Spousal Work Permit : When you receive a work permit in Canada, your spouse may also be eligible for an open work permit. This means your spouse can work for any employer in Canada, providing additional financial support and career opportunities for your family.

  2. Health Care for the Whole Family : Canada offers universal healthcare to all its residents, including those on work permits. Once you have a work permit, you and your family can access Canada's excellent healthcare system, ensuring medical needs are met without the burden of high medical costs.

  3. Free Education for Children : Canada provides free public education for children up to the secondary level. By obtaining a work permit, your children can benefit from the high-quality education system in Canada, which is recognized worldwide.

  4. Canada Child Benefit (CCB) : The CCB is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18. For example, a Vietnamese family with two children under the age of 6 and an annual household income of CAD 50,000 could receive approximately CAD 6,639 per year per child. This amounts to around CAD 13,278 annually, which can significantly contribute to covering expenses related to child care, education, clothing, and other essential needs, ensuring the children's well-being and development.

  5. Pathway to Permanent Residency : Working in Canada on a work permit can be a stepping stone to becoming a permanent resident. Many work permits, particularly those under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and International Mobility Program, can lead to permanent residency through various immigration pathways like the Canadian Experience Class and the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The PNP allows provinces and territories to nominate individuals who meet specific local labor market needs, making it an excellent option for skilled workers to gain permanent residency.

  6. High Quality of Life : Canada is known for its high standards of living, safety, and multicultural environment. Living and working in Canada can offer you and your family a comfortable and secure life with access to a wide range of services and amenities.

  7. Career Opportunities : Canada's strong economy and diverse job market provides numerous career opportunities in various fields. Gaining work experience in Canada can enhance your professional skills and open doors to future career advancements both within Canada and internationally.

  8. Social Benefits : After a certain period of working in Canada and contributing to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI), you may become eligible for various social benefits. These include unemployment benefits, parental leave, and retirement pensions, providing a safety net for your family.

  9. Cultural Enrichment : Canada's multicultural society offers a rich cultural experience, allowing you and your family to interact with people from different backgrounds and learn new customs and traditions. This can be an enriching experience for your children, helping them grow up in a diverse and inclusive environment.

  10. Work-Life Balance : Canada is known for promoting a healthy work-life balance. Canadian labor laws ensure fair working conditions, reasonable working hours, and ample vacation time, allowing you to spend quality time with your family and enjoy recreational activities.

  11. Strong Vietnamese Community : Canada has a vibrant and supportive Vietnamese community, especially in cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. This community can provide a sense of belonging and support, making the transition to life in Canada smoother for you and your family.